Friday 28 June 2013

Traditional Games In Malaysia

Malaysian’s strong sense of community is reflected in many of their traditional games and pastimes. These activities are still played by local children. Nowadays the traditional game will playing the kids is less or few only. 21st century kids will play their parents bought for them Ipad or smart phone but not traditional game. So, traditional games will become extinct, maybe in more 20 years will nobody play it.

The example of Traditional Games are-:     -SEPAK TAKRAW 
                                                                 - WAU
                                                                 - GASING
                                                                 - CONGKAK
                                                                 - WAYANG KULIT


Wayang Kulit

· Wayang kulit is a traditional theatre form that brings together the playfulness of a puppet show, and the elusive quality and charming simplicity of a shadow play.

· The flat two-dimensional puppets are intricately carved, then painted by hand.It is either made of cow or buffalo hide.

· Each puppet, a stylised exaggeration of the human shape, is given a distinctive appearance and not unlike its string puppet cousins, has jointed "arms".

· Conducted by a singular master storyteller called Tok Dalang, wayang kulit usually dramatises ancient Indian epics.




· Congkak is a game of mathematics played by womenfolk in ancient times that only required dug out holes in the earth and tamarind seeds.

· Today, it is an oval solid wood block with two rows of five, seven, or nine holes and two large holes at both ends called "home".

· Congkak, played with shells, marbles, pebbles or tamarind seeds, requires two players.


Thursday 27 June 2013


   ·       A gasing is a giant spinning top  
   ·       That weighs approximately 5kg 
   ·       Traditionally played before the rice harvest season, this game requires strength, co-ordination and skill.
   ·       The top is set spinning by unfurling a rope that has been wound around it.
   ·       Then it is scooped off the ground, whilst still spinning, using a wooden bat with a centre slit and transferred onto a low post with a metal receptacle.
·       If expertly hurled, it can spin for up to 2 hours..


Tuesday 25 June 2013


·        WAU is a popular traditional pastime in Terengganu, especially after harvest time. 

·        There are Various types of kites such as wau kuching (cat kite), wau merak (peacock kite), and wau bulan (moon kite).

·         Each kite also comes with a different design and size.

·        The colourful kites are played in the open paddy fields and along the sandy beaches with no trees or tall structures.

·         In fact, the wind blows strongly in these places. 

·        The wau is played after the paddy harvesting seasons or when the fishermen cannot go to fishing due the conditions of the sea.

·        The best time to play the wau is in August and September where moderate  winds blows.



Sepak Takraw

                  o   SEPAK TAKRAW also known as sepak raga.

o   A ball made by weaving strips of buluh or bamboo is passed about using any part of the body except the lower arms and hands.
o   Two main types of sepak takraw: bulatan (circle) and jaring (net). 
o   Sepak raga bulatan is the original form in which players form a circle and try to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible.
o   Sepak takraw jaring is the modern version in which the ball is passed across a court over a high net.